Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Heartbeat - Tahiti 80

Posted by nadtus at 12:49 PM
Enough for me is not much for you
Won't you forgive me that's all I can do
Can you feel my heartbeat
When I'm close to you

I'll never find another way to say
I love you more each day
It's quite romantic I know
That's how I wanna feel today...
I wanna feel this way

Can you feel my heartbeat
When I'm close to you

I'll never find another way to say
I love you more each day
It's quite romantic I know
That's how I wanna feel today
I wanna feel this way, today

Can you feel my heartbeat
Can you feel my heartbeat
Can you feel my heartbeat
When I'm close to you

I'll never find, no I'll never find
Another way to say
I love you more each day

aku yakin nggak banyak dari kalian tau lagu ini . aku sendiri juga nggak tau , sampai akhirnya aku dikasih tau lagu enak ini . easy listening . nggak banyak macem :)

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